Have i lost myself?

have i lost myself when you were gone when you were gone forever from this world have i lost myself when you died i just can't believe i know it was fated have i lost myself when you were gone everyday tears went down my cheeks whenever i remember you have i lost myself each time i see your post for me sometimes i smile sometimes i cry cause i really misses you have i lost myself when you gone i feel like i have lost my soulmate i have lost half of my heart have i lost myself i hope not, cause ALLAH always here with me although i still find the strength within to help me to accept the fact that you're gone. BY HANNTZAH (p/s: this poem was made cause i have lost my special friend, you can read it here I AM 4U-PART 1: INSTINCT PART 2 -REMINISCE , PART 3- MOMENT OF TRUTH , PART 4- DISCONNECTED , PART 5- THE LAST LOOK PART 6- MEMOIR PART 7- HORRIBLE NEWS PART 8- SEE YOU AGAIN SEQUEL- VISIT TO.. )