I hate how

How come some days are so easy?
Then some days I feel like dying
How can I be so strong one day?
Then the next I am holding myself back
Back from picking up the phone

I want to move on
I want to forget you
But I feel like it's impossible
My heart is addicted to you
It knows nothing but you

Once the pain starts to go away 
You fill my heart back up with agony

I have to come to terms with myself
That you loved her more
You still want her more
And it's sad cause you really have no idea
That I was so much more true to you
But I was so weak
And she was strong

Why must is be so difficult
How come I can walk away
from anyone but you?
What is done is done and I must let you go
But I am afraid that one day you might return
And crumble me back into peices

I have to stay strong
If and when you return
I will be ready
To crumble you into peices...


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