Respect a woman

Respect A Woman because

You can feel her INNOCENCE in the form of a daughter
You can feel her CARE in the form of a sister
You can feel her WARMTH in the form of a friend
You can feel her PASSION in the form of a beloved
You can feel her DEDICATION in the form of a wife
You can feel her DIVINITY in the form of a mother
You can feel her BLESSING in the form of a grandmother

Yet she is so TOUGH too
Her heart is so TENDER... So NAUGHTY...
She is a WOMAN..
And she is LIFE..!!!

To all the wonder woman & those man who
thinks that a woman is weak, who
disrespects her, abuses her, beats her up &
pass dirty comments if any passes by him.
They somewhat forget that the one who gave
birth to a non-deserving creep like him is also
a woman..!

 source is from facebook..


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