Just My Heart Saying...

am i delusional
cause i can feel your love
it just that you never said it

i don't understand
why you always look at me
i don't have anything special
just an ordinary girl

ordinary girl
with nothing special
maybe looks happy outside
but inside she always cries

ordinary girl
that may have open her heart
which she never did
in a long time because of tragedy

tragedy that have 
cause her to lose her smile
lose her trust in a man
always prejudice a man
always think negative in man.

am i falling in love with u
if i have 
can i withdraw it back
cause i don't want 
to feel the same just as 6 years ago
feeling frustrating and heartache

i don't want anything unsure
i just need a confession 
if yes please say it
if no please don't look at me 
like you love me

please go away 
if you don't plan to love me
cause i don't want
to feel any hope

-sincerely me : hanntzah-


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